Tricks to cultivate your interior.
Where is the best place for our indoor plants?
• Near the window, as the luminosity is necessary to the plants
• In Winter, your plants have to be less than 1.50 meters from a light source.
• Be careful: Some plants are called shade plant because they don't support the sun directly.
• It's important to clean steadily your plant foliage to make them enjoy the light fully.
What about the humidity?
• Indoor plants really appreciate a humid atmosphere.
• For some plants who need a very humid atmosphere (from 70% to 90%) such as orchids or tropical plants
How to help your plants surviving during holidays?
- You need to deal with your reserves of water thoughout the period.
• Adopt a container with severals litres and pipes to jab in each jar as watering system.
• Bioclimatic watering, in which we can fix a bottle full of water, feed the plant depending on it needs.
What must we do once the bulb flowered?
• A bulb flowered once a year.
• Once the flowering passed, you have to cut the flowers but not the leaves.
• Once the leaves withered, we can transplant the bulb for routing outside.